The EDGE Center is organizing a new Agri-tourism and Agri-tainment business committee to develop a new strategic agri-tourism business plan for the Glades.
An organizational meeting will be held on September 21st, 2010 at 11:30AM at the Lakeside Medical Center conference rooms 2 & 3.
This meeting is a ground floor opportunity that is open to all farmers, ranchers, and anyone interested in learning more about starting an agritourism/agritainment business.
This is an opportunity for land owners to discuss additional uses for their lands and for those business owners or individuals looking for a business venture to learn more about co-partnering.
Don't miss out on this very amazing opportunity that will put the Glades on the Map.
Fresh food, air and water will be served for lunch.
Special Guest Speaker - Hugh McPherson creator and operator of Maize Quest.
Limited seating please Click here to reserve a seat.

(Have you heard that the muck monster was spotted in the corn field behind the College?)
Check out what is happening at the IFAS Extension office- Veggie Fever.